
How AXA spread the holiday joy for +8k customers



Building Loyalty in Insurance

Known as a “set and forget” industry, insurance companies are often struggling to build a meaningful connection with customers. As a result high churn rates (especially in the first year) and no loyalty are the industry standard.

With the presence of agencies and brokers as “middlemen”, direct communication with customers is often limited or impossible for an Insurance brand. In this context, AXA wanted to create a meaningfull toughpoint in the customer journey that’s linked to the brand.

The project

Nothing says Holiday season more than the family experiences arriving in the mailbox. With that spirit, AXA partnered up with Stampix to delight their customer's database with 5 free printed photos, branded as a postcard, ready to be sent off to their loved ones.



Create lasting customer connections

Stampix collaborates with your team to finalize the design and details of the campaign. You then activate your customers via email, sending them a unique link. With just one click, customers can upload their favorite photos, and soon after, they receive their printed photos at home, creating an emotional connection with your brand.


The results

0 K
Branded photos
0 K
Happy customers
+ 0 M
Estimated brand views



Creating Lasting Impact

Customer Activation: A unique way to surprise and delight your customers via free prints, delivered to their doorstep.

Pro tip: You can easily integrate your CRM with Stampix’s 1-click photo printing service and surprise your customers on their birthday, Christmas and other special dates.

Front side (hover over to see back)
Branded reverse

curious for more?

Find out how Photo Rewards can help your brand building lasting customer loyalty.