
Turning an activation campaign into a memory that will last forever!



Engage fans
& Increase Awareness

AB-Inbev is the largest drinking company in the world, with customers and brands from different corners on the globe. Between the brands , it is Budweiser. 

Budweiser is very connected with the industry of sports. Responsible for the sponsorships with the International Association Football Federation (FIFA) for the FIFA World Cup of 2026, the National Football League (NFL) and the Football Association (FA). Being in this sector, the brand looks for ways to activate and engage the fans into loyal consumers.

The project

Aiming to do an activation campaign to increase customer engagement during the FIFA World Cup European Qualifying, Budweiser (AB-Inbev) and The Football Association joined forces with Stampix to offer 10 free photo prints to football fans via Email Marketing and Magazine ads in the United Kingdom (UK).



Activating fans

AB-Inbev and Budweiser activated football fans offering 10 free photos via email campaign sent by the Football Association (FA) on Match Day and events.

During the online journey, customers could opt-in for Budweiser comms and answer a survey about their favourite product inside the range of Budweiser drinks.

The results

0 K
emails sent to fans via FA
0 %
Opt-in rate
0 %
selected Budweiser as favourite drink



By leveraging Stampix’s Photo Rewards, Budweiser not only got great amount of opt-ins for future e-communications, but also gave a memorable experience and continue branded engagement after the match to consumers/fans that were in Wembley.

Match with the experience

The photo rewards match the special moment of watching the English National Team at Wembley Stadium.

Feedback on the Campaign

Customers share comments and feedback about the activation campaign with Stampix.

Emotional Connection

Stay top of mind with branded pictures, and include an emotional memory after the event!

The activation at Wembley stadium went very smooth, with an 88% opt-in rate for 1st party data. This provides an excellent baseline for future activations next year.

Frederico Freitas
Marketing Digital Transformation Manager at AB Inbev


curious for more?

Find out how Photo Rewards can help FMCG brands increase brand awareness
and customer loyalty.