Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM)

How CM gathered opt-ins for the brand's loyalty program skoebidoe



1st party data by
surprise & delight

CM, one of Belgium’s largest health insurance providers, was looking for a scalable solution to boost retention and customer engagementThe objective was to build an emotional connection with customers, encouraging them to subscribe to Skoebidoe.

Skoebidoe, CM’s loyalty programme, supports young families with expert parenting advice and financial benefits. It provides guidance, as well as exclusive discounts and reimbursements for childcare, healthcare, and preventive care.

The goal

CM wanted to create an emotional bond with parents with young kids
and collect genuine opt-ins for their loyalty program Skoebidoe



Surprise for Young Parents

To stimulate retention with a unique experience, CM aimed to surprise members with a photobook campaign. Members were reached via email activation and redirected to Skoebidoe’s landing page. This strategy increased awareness of the loyalty programme among parents with young children, resulting in opt-ins for CM.

Email Activation

Parents were engaged through an email campaign inviting them to print cherished moments of their children. Thanks to CM. The email led to Skoebidoe's landing page, where they could redeem their gift.

Surprise & Delight

A few days later, the photobook arrived in customers' mailbox as a special gift from CM, featuring branded designs and personalised with photos selected by the customer.

Skoebidoe New Members

During the ordering process, CM members were encouraged to opt-in for Skoebidoe, adding value to the brand by attracting high-value subscribers — parents with young children.

The results

0 %
Opt-in rate
0 %
Happiness Feedback rate
0 %
Claim Rate



By offering Stampix photo rewards, CM delighted its target audience emotionally, strengthening long-term loyalty, driving engagement, and enriching its database.

High opt-in rate

By offering parents the emotionally meaningful gift of a free photobook of their children, the campaign achieved nearly doubled CM’s opt-in rate benchmark.

No data transfer

Stampix acts as a data processor, and does own of the data, which was directly shared with CM.

Scalable alternative

Due to its strong results, CM views the photobook campaign as a scalable solution and is now scaling the reward to reach more customers through an always-on campaign.

Extra feature

Photo Tagging Analysis

Target audience verification
via photo tag analysis

Stampix’ AI Analysis software allows for accurate tagging of user-uploaded photos. It can be used to verify the target reached within a campaign or to gather insights on customers’ lifestyles.

Photo tagging analysis of the CM campaign verified the accuracy of the audience targeted. The most prominent tags confirmed that users printed photos of their children and family, aligning with the brand’s expectations.

Top tags scanned:

Child 94%
Baby 80%
Family 80%
Cute 76%
Love 68%

How to read it: % shown represents the % of photos from the analysis that contained the mentioned tag

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